Fun Tech Lab
Windtunnel for your modelcars – FUN TECH LAB WINDSIBLE FEATURETTE
Aerotesting at its finest in smaller scale: We already know it from the big players. In aviation, the automotive industry and even aerospace, windtunnels are the ideal way to test the aerodynamic efficiency of individual components or even an entire vehicle. In motorsport, such as Formula 1, teams have their own wind tunnels to test their cars. This process essentially determines how well the team can compete for the championsship. Such wind tunnels are extremely expensive to purchase and maintain. This makes it all the more practical when there is a company like Funtechlab that allows you to have your own wind tunnel in your living room at a much…
Five things every car fan should have at home – Purchase guide FEATURETTE
5 Products where car enthusiasts go wild: It’s that time again! Yes, December is just around the corner. Black Friday is slowly winding down and making way for the Christmas sales, because Christmas is less than a month away. Throughout the year, we have been stocking up on model cars ourselves. As passionate collectors of these pieces of jewellery, this is hardly surprising. So you might think that we would simply recommend a particular model car that car fans simply HAVE to treat themselves to. That’s right, because you’ll soon be able to see it on our YouTube channel. But in this article, we’re going to introduce you to five…