Hot Wheels Cars made by AI – FEATURETTE
Photoshop, the measure of all things!
AI is changing the way we do things, and this also applies to art. I remember like it was yesterday when I was in front of the computer generating virtual design renderings via Photoshop on the computer. It was a tedious process, all done by hand. The idea behind it was to design car models and matching packaging that would serve as inspiration for model car manufacturers! Over the period from 2018 to 2021, I generated more than 200 works, each one more ingenious than the next!

I didn't earn a penny from it, the focus was solely on the fun of the work and responding eagerly to feedback from the community. Such works were eagerly awaited and actively discussed, especially on Instagram, always with the aim that companies would take notice and actually implement the product! To be honest, it was through such works that I made a name for myself and gained reach back then, when pictures were very popular and reels, shorts or Tiktok short videos were not yet known to become famous!
The change
As we progress with time, technological advancements are going higher and higher, making our tasks much more convenient and easier. A by-product of AI is art generators. Although it can have its own drawbacks, on the whole it does more good than harm for ordinary people. Platte Software from OpenAI is an excellent example of this. It's a revolutionary tool that allows you to create amazing looking artwork within seconds. The only problem is that their new version, Dall-E 3, has a long waiting list for access to the software.
So I'm still waiting to really let off steam there. I tried Supermachine a few months ago, but I wasn't really happy with the results. Numerous AI-generated images of Hot Wheels models have been circulating on Instagram for a few months now, including from Hotcarcollection and Hobbyhuddle. The name Dall-E, the art generator from OpenAI, of which ChatGPT is also a part, was a big hit. But...we're still waiting to try it out for ourselves!

What are art generators?
Who would have thought that typing in a few descriptive words could instantly create the kind of art you're looking for, and in high quality? That's exactly what art generators are. It's software that can create digital designs with simple text prompts, and it's super useful for anyone who wants to create art without a lot of effort. For example, someone who couldn't create art for their project can use these art generators and create stunning artwork in no time by just typing a few words. Gone are the days of spending hours adjusting corners and edges through Photoshop to make it look almost perfect? Not quite.

The results
Artificial generators are by no means perfect. A trained eye recognizes this practically at first glance: Starting with logos and lettering, which are hardly ever implemented in a spongy manner. In the case of the Hot Wheels logo, the AI has been trained so often that the illustration has now been implemented quite accurately. There are also always weak points with the models: First and foremost, they are too perfect and detailed to be Hot Wheels models. The spokes of the rims are also often rendered inaccurately or incompletely. By chance, we came across Gencraft, another art generator that, like DALL-E, Midjourney or Supernmachine, is available for a fee. And the results are not bad at all. However, here too we have to keep training the AI to get really cool results. In any case, things remain exciting and we'll stay on the ball.

If you'd like a compilation of all the AI images we've come across on Instagram and added to our list, you can watch our video on YouTube:

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